I was born in London in 1959 in the London University Hospital in Gower Street London Great Britain. After enjoying a comprehensive education at Simon Langton Grammar School in Canterbury I continued my efforts at further education on a Day-Release basis as technician at the University of London’s agricultural college Botany Department in Wye Kent where I was responsible for the teaching laboratories and some research. I then pursued my academic career further in that I read at University College Cardiff, Microbiology and Genetics for which I obtained my joint degree with honours. I also have a Higher National Certificate in Applied Biology specializing in microbiology as well as an O.N.C. in Chemistry Specialising in industrial chemistry that I obtained during my time in Wye. I have resided since 1984 in Austria. I married Silvia on the 21 October 2000 and gained three wonderful children Monica, Valentina and Stefanie. I qualified for my PhD at University College Cardiff in 2004 and have published several articles on the investigation of cancer invasiveness in vitro.
Scientific publications, presentations and CV in German
Curriculum, Presentations and Publications in English
In 2007 I Patented an invention enabling phase contrast microscopy of living cells in 6 to 96 well plates which eliminates the effects of the meniscus induced loss of phase contrast.
A more explicit explanation can be found here from a poster presented at the Linz Congress
Recent Publications:-
- Habermann, W; Schmid, C; Neumann, K; Devaney, T; Hammer, HF
Reflux Symptom Index and Reflux Finding Score in Otolaryngologic Practice. J Voice. 2011; 108(8b):
- Lohberger, B; Payer, M; Rinner, B; Bartmann, C; Stadelmeyer, E; Traunwieser, E; Devaney, T; Jakse, N; Leithner, A; Windhager, R
Human Intraoral Harvested Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Characterization, Multilineage Differentiation Analysis, and 3-Dimensional Migration of Natural Bone Mineral and Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011
- Bernhart, E; Kollroser, M; Rechberger, G; Reicher, H; Heinemann, A; Schratl, P; Hallström, S; Wintersperger, A; Nusshold, C; Devaney, T; Zorn-Pauly, K; Malli, R; Graier, W; Malle, E; Sattler, W
Lysophosphatidic acid receptor activation affects the C13NJ microglia cell line proteome leading to alterations in glycolysis, motility, and cytoskeletal architecture. Proteomics. 2010; 10(1): 141-158
- Wagner, V; Stadelmeyer, E; Riederer, M; Regitnig, P; Gorischek, A; Devaney, T; Schmidt, K; Tritthart, HA; Hirschberg, K; Bauernhofer, T; Schreibmayer, W
Cloning and characterisation of GIRK1 variants resulting from alternative RNA editing of the KCNJ3 gene transcript in a human breast cancer cell line. J Cell Biochem. 2010; 110(3): 598-608.
Rezania,S; Chouyang,L; Gorischek,A; Devaney,T; Regitnig,P; Bauernhofer,T; Schreibmayer,W;
Influence of G-protein activated inwardly rectifying potassium channel on vital parameters of breast cancer cells Doctoral Day; 4.11.2011;
- [Poster]
Tritthart, HA; DeVaney, TTJ
A new biophysical method to measure cancer cell motility and invasiveness to evaluate new anticancer compounds.
Okt, 2009; Dykabiri, Turkey. 2009. [Keynote lecture]
Wagner, V; Gorischek, A; Stadelmeyer, E; DeVaney, T; Schreibmayer, W; Bauernhofer, T
Expression and characterization of G-protein activated potassium channel splice variants. joint ZMF & Doctorial Day ; NOV 4-5, 2009; Graz, AUSTRIA. 2009. [Poster]
DeVaney, TTJ; Reinisch, S
Growth of squamous carcinoma cells under the influence of chemotherapeutic agents Altex2008; 25(1):-15th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing – Linz 2008& 12th Annual Meeting of MEGAT – Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing ; 19.21 Sept 2008; Linz. [Poster]
DeVaney, TTJ; Sax, W; Platzer, F
Correction of optical refraction artefacts in multiwell plates for live cell imaging. Focus on Microscopy 2008 http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/2008/PDF/164_DeVaney.pdf 2008; 152.-Focus on Microscopy 2008. ; April 13-16, 2008; Osaka, Japan. [Oral Communication]
Research in progress Metastasierung und Zellmotilität Die Zellmotilität ist ein entscheidender Faktor im Prozess der Metastasierung. In diesem Bereich erforschen wir die involvierten zellulären Prozesse und die resultierenden Effekte aus der Anwendung von Chemotherapeutika.
Spheroid confrontation invasion assays 3D Spheroid Konfrontations-Untersuchungen ermöglichen die Ermittlung des Grades des metastatischen Potentials von verschiedenen Zelllinien ohne den Einsatz von Tierversuchen. Unter Anwendung von digitaler Bildbearbeitung können die aus diesen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Daten zur Überwachung und Evaluierung von Tumoren und deren Behandlung dienen.
Analyse von Wachstum auf synthetischem Knochenersatz Unter Verwendung von 3D Rekonstruktion und timelapse Mikroskopie kann die Kolonisation von synthetischen Knochenersätzen durch Osteoblasten direkt beobachtet werden.
Analyse von Konfokalbildern Konfokale Bildgebung und Dekonvolution bei der Weiterverarbeitung ermöglichen hochauflösende Bildgebung der zu untersuchenden Gewebe. Der Einsatz von Laserabtatstung ermöglicht die Rekonstruktion von dreidimensionalen Bildern, welche ein höheres Maß an Information über zelluläre Prozesse liefern, die eine maßgebliche Rolle bei Bewegung und invasiven Vorgängen in Gewebe und Strukturen spielen.
Quantitative Analyse von 3D-Invasion Mittels Computeranalysen von subjektiven Entscheidungen von Experten können die qualitativen Entscheidungen quantifiziert werden und entsprechende Analysealgorithmen entwickelt werden.
Cell motility and chemotoxic agents Cell movements in and through tissues