This page describes nice ways of embedding source code in a page.
Inline code snippets
If you just want to write a short snippet of code as part of a sentence,
surround the code in backtick symbols (`
Type `print('Hello world!')` and save as ``.
Type print('Hello world!')
and save as
Code fences
A “code fence” is three backtick symbols (```
) preceding your
code, and another three concluding it. Optionally, you can write the name of
the language in small case next to the leading fence to declare syntax
highlighting is desired with the stated language.
Java example
Image3DUniverse univ = new Image3DUniverse();;
univ.addMesh(yourImagePlus, null, "somename", 50,
new boolean[] {true, true, true}, 2);
Image3DUniverse univ = new Image3DUniverse();;
univ.addMesh(yourImagePlus, null, "somename", 50,
new boolean[] {true, true, true}, 2);
Python example
def update_progress(progress):
barLength = 10 # length of progress bar
block = int(round(barLength*progress))
text = f'\rPercent complete: ' +
f'[{"#"*block + "-"*(barLength-block)}] ' +
def update_progress(progress):
barLength = 10 # length of progress bar
block = int(round(barLength*progress))
text = f'\rPercent complete: ' +
f'[{"#"*block + "-"*(barLength-block)}] ' +
Highlight directive
Alternately, there is a highlight
Liquid directive you can try.
It looks like this:
{% highlight java %}"You're a wizard, Harry!");
log.error("I'm a what?");
{% endhighlight %}
Result"You're a wizard, Harry!");
log.error("I'm a what?");
The highlight
directive and code fences are separate features, but
functionally very similar. If code fences are not working as you like,
give the highlight
directive a try to see if it does any better.
Embedding code from GitHub
If you have a block of code in a GitHub repository, you can embed it
dynamically into the page using the github-embed
include. This approach has
the advantage of avoiding copy-paste skew as the code evolves over time.
{% include github-embed
label="Conway's Obfuscated Game of Life" %}
Other parameters supported by the github-embed
include are:
Parameter | Description | Values | Default |
line-start |
First line to embed | >= 1 |
1 |
line-end |
Last line to embed | >= 1 |
99999 |
label |
Hyperlinked label to place before the code | any string | no label |
style |
Syntax highlighting color scheme | various* | github |
show-border |
Whether to draw a border around the frame | true or false |
true |
show-line-numbers |
Whether to number the lines | true or false |
true |
show-file-meta |
Whether to include the footer with links | true or false |
true |
show-copy |
Whether to include the Copy button on mouseover | true or false |
true |
* Valid style values are:
- a11y-dark
- a11y-light
- agate
- an-old-hope
- androidstudio
- arduino-light
- arta
- ascetic
- atelier-cave-dark
- atelier-cave-light
- atelier-dune-dark
- atelier-dune-light
- atelier-estuary-dark
- atelier-estuary-light
- atelier-forest-dark
- atelier-forest-light
- atelier-heath-dark
- atelier-heath-light
- atelier-lakeside-dark
- atelier-lakeside-light
- atelier-plateau-dark
- atelier-plateau-light
- atelier-savanna-dark
- atelier-savanna-light
- atelier-seaside-dark
- atelier-seaside-light
- atelier-sulphurpool-dark
- atelier-sulphurpool-light
- atom-one-dark
- atom-one-dark-reasonable
- atom-one-light
- codepen-embed
- color-brewer
- darcula
- dark
- default
- docco
- dracula
- far
- foundation
- github
- github-gist
- gml
- googlecode
- gradient-dark
- grayscale
- gruvbox-dark
- gruvbox-light
- hopscotch
- hybrid
- idea
- ir-black
- isbl-editor-dark
- isbl-editor-light
- kimbie.dark
- kimbie.light
- lightfair
- magula
- mono-blue
- monokai
- monokai-sublime
- night-owl
- nord
- obsidian
- ocean
- paraiso-dark
- paraiso-light
- purebasic
- qtcreator_dark
- qtcreator_light
- railscasts
- rainbow
- routeros
- shades-of-purple
- solarized-dark
- solarized-light
- sunburst
- tomorrow
- tomorrow-night
- tomorrow-night-blue
- tomorrow-night-bright
- tomorrow-night-eighties
- vs
- vs2015
- xcode
- xt256
- zenburn