We encourage everyone who has written a device adapter module to send their code to us for inclusion in the Micro-Manager source code repository.
As of April 2021, the procedure for the 1.4 (legacy) and 2.0 (current) version is different. Note that these two versions will no longer be kept in sync automatically. For both versions, include any libraries or other materials that will be needed to build the code (or provide links). Please also include a compatible license for your software (most of the code uses either a BSD or LGPL license, it is not possible for us to include GPL code).
For 1.4
Please email the source code to info@micro-manager.org. After addition of your code to our repository, we will send you a username and password that you can use for future changes to the code (using a subversion client).
For 2.0
- Create a “fork” of the “mmCoreAndDevices” repository on your own GitHub account and clone your newly forked repository to your computer.
- Create a branch to work on.
- Commit your changes and push them to your github account.
- Go to the “Pull Request” section of the “Micro-Manager” “mmCoreAndDevices” Github page and open a new pull request describing the changes you would like to make.
- For more information about pull requests see the GitHub Docs
Provide end-user documentation on this website
Also, please do request an account for this website (click on the Log In button), and create a page in the Device Support section. Use this page to provide information for users of your equipment to configure and use your device in Micro-Manager (i.e., please do not use this for marketing purposes).
Closed Source device adapters
In the past, several closed-source device adapters have been included in µManager. Open Imaging’s current policy is to only accept new device adapters that are open source (usually BSD, LGPL, or Apache). Third parties can distribute their device adapters as binaries, although this is not encouraged because it complicates installation by the user and causes version compatibility issues. Existing closed-source device adapters in the official release will generally be maintained.