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Device layer chang log

Changes from the previous releases

API version 38 (1.4.0 release)

New Core API entries

  • MM::DeviceDetectionStatus detectDevice(char* deviceName) – for automatic device detection
  • void unloadDevice(const char* label) throw (CMMError) – unload a device adapter

Property API changes

  • int applyProperties(std::vector& props, std::string& )
  • void updateCoreProperties() throw (CMMError)
  • void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, …) new entries added which accept bool, long, float, and double.

Property sequencing API

  • bool isPropertySequenceable(const char* label, const char* propName) const throw (CMMError);
  • void startPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName) const throw (CMMError);
  • void stopPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName) const throw (CMMError);
  • long getPropertySequenceMaxLength(const char* label, const char* propName) const throw (CMMError);
  • void loadPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName, std::vector<std::string> eventSequence) const throw (CMMError);
  • bool debugLogEnabled(void) – access the current log state
  • std::string saveLogArchive(void) & std::string saveLogArchiveWithPreamble(char* preamble, int length) - create a gzip of the current system log, optionally prepend some client text
  • static void addSearchPath(const char *path) – add path to search for device adapters
  • unsigned getNumberOfCameraChannels() const – number of simulaneous channels acquired by the camera.

Extensions to metadata API

  • void* getLastImageMD(Metadata& md) const throw (CMMError);
  • void* popNextImageMD(Metadata& md) throw (CMMError);

Acquisition context API

  • void acqBefore() throw (CMMError);
  • void acqAfter() throw (CMMError);
  • void acqBeforeFrame() throw (CMMError);
  • void acqAfterFrame() throw (CMMError);
  • void acqBeforeStack() throw (CMMError);
  • void acqAfterStack() throw (CMMError);
  • template T\* getSpecificDevice(const char\* deviceLabel) const throw (CMMError) – retrieve device instance by name.

API version 33 (1.3.43 release)

  • New Device categories
    • ProgrammableIO()
    • SLM() ( Projector, Spatial Light Modulator, or Anti-Camera)
    • CommandDispatch()
  • MMDevice.h changes terminology
  • Channels (in the context of color cameras) become Components, hence:
    • GetNumberOfChannels -> GetNumberOfComponents.
    • GetChannelName → GetComponentName
  • New method signature for devices
    • PrepareSequenceAcqusition()
  • Autofocus devices add methods
    • GetOffset(double &offset)
    • SetOffset(double offset)
  • Core (in MMDevice.h) new method signatures
    • OnCoordinateUpdate(const Device* caller)
    • GetChannelConfigs(std::vector<std::string>& groups)
  • CMMCore (in MMCore.h) new signatures
    • void setAutoFocusOffset(double offset) throw (CMMError);
    • double getAutoFocusOffset() throw (CMMError);
    • std::string getSLMDevice();
    • std::string getChannelGroup();
    • void setSLMDevice(const char* slmLabel) throw (CMMError);
    • void setChannelGroup(const char* channelGroup) throw (CMMError);
  • CMMCore support for pixel size calibration and configuration group management.

API version 31 (1.3.17 release)

  • BaseSequenceThread. Implemented basic sequence acquisition functionality in svc() method like calculating number of frames, capturing with the specified interval and etc.
  • CCameraBase
    • Implemented virtual function IsCapturing returning true if the acquisition thread is run. If you do not use the BaseSequence thread to implement Sequence acquisition, then you will need to provide your own implementation of this function.
    • Added virtual ThreadRun() method. This method is called from inside the acquisition thread and implements receiving image data from the camera.
    • Added virtual OnThreadExiting() method called from inside the acquisition thread and implements actions necessary to finalize the sequence capturing.
  • CMMCore
    • Added isSequenceRunning() method which should be used instead of “Busy()” method of the camera to determine if the camera adapter is executing a sequence of image capturing. Note: normally, camera adapters should not return Busy status while the sequence acquisition thread is running.
    • Circular buffer now supports 32-bit images.

API version 26 to 30 (1.3.15 release)

1. XYStageDevices. Default implementations for the functions SetRelativePositionUm(double, double), SetPositionUm(double, double), and GetPositionUm(double) are now provided in DeviceBase.h. You are encouraged not to override these functions but rather implement the Get and SetPostionSteps. This allows Micro-Manager to provide a general mechanism to let the use mirror the axis and change axis orientation so that a generalized coordinate system can be used. Although these implementations are not yet provided for single axis stages we anticipate this to happen soon and encourage you to use the ‘PositionSteps’ functions as the main entry point in communicating with the actual device

2. CameraDevice – Added Properties ‘TransposeMirrorX’, ‘TransposeMirrorY’, ‘TransposeXY’, ‘TranposeCorrection’, that can be used to inform Micro-Manager of the camera orientation. See https://valelab.ucsf.edu/~nico/MMwiki/index.php/Overview for information on how coordinates and directionality are handled in Micro-Manager

3. CameraDevice – Changes in Sequence mode: There is now a default implementation for SequenceAcquisition. You should override this with a better implementation if you can. Two more overloaded forms of StartSequenceAcquistion have been added with default implementations that should b e implemented where possible (one form does not request a number of images, another adds the parameter bool stopOnOverflow).

4. SignalIODevice – Added the functions SetGateOpen and GetGateOpen that are used to configure IO devices as shutters.

API version 24 to 26 (1.2.15 release)

1. CameraDevice - Made the functions ‘int GetBinning()’ and ‘int SetBinning(int binSize)’ mandatory. GetBinning is used in the Core to adjust pixelSize based on binning. The function ‘GetNominalPixelSize’ was removed.

2. StageDevice - Added the function ‘int SetRelativePositionUm(double d)’. A default implementation is provided, however, you are encouraged to override this function (which will be madated some time in the future).

3. XYStageDevice - Added function ‘int SetRelativePositionUm (double dx, double dy)’. A default implementation is provided, however, you are encouraged to override this function (which will be madated some time in the future).

4. MagnifierDevice - This is a new device that should be used by devices that effect the magnification in a predictable way. A single method needs to be implemented for such a device: ‘double GetMagnification()’

API version 20 to 24 (1.2 release)

New methods for the base MMDevice class

  • HasProperty() – for finding out if device supports a property before using it. This will avoid generating and handling exceptions if the desired property does not exist. Default implementation is in the DeviceBase.h, automatic and requires no overriding.
  • GetPropertyType() – returns property type. Default implementation is in the DeviceBase.h, automatic and requires no overriding.
  • UsesDelay() – Default implementation returns “false”, i.e. declaring that the device does not use “Delay” setting. If the particular adapter does use delay settings, it must override this method by returning “true”. Very few devices use this feature.
  • HasPropertyLimits(), GetPropertyLowerLimit(), GetPropertyUpperLimit() – This set of methods allows the device to specify value limits for “continuous” settings. The default implementation of these methods is automatic, but the limits (if any) must be specified in the code when particular property is declared using SetPropertyLimits(). For an example see DemoStreamingCamera.cpp.

New device types

  • ImageStreamer, ImageProcessor and SignalIO device types were added. Instances of these devices are still under development and the API is likely to change.

We do not recommend writing adapters for these device types just as yet.

API version 14 to 20 (1.1 release)

New device type Processor virtual device is added to the MMDevice API to enable real-time processing and closed loop control. Continuous (burst) acquisition mode Camera API was extended to optionally support continuous acquisition mode. This mode allows cameras to run at full speed, under their own timing. Additional extensions were also made in the CoreCallback API to provide access to the circular buffer service. MMTime utility class A new utility class MMTime was added to simplify cross-platform high-resolution timer functionality, for time-out loops, time stamps, etc.

API version 12 to 14

This section is very important if you already have custom adapters for the previous API revision. Your existing adapters won’t work with the newer Micro-Manager releases if you don’t make changes listed below. DLL naming convention All adapter DLL file names now have prefix “mmgr_dal_”, e.g. mmgr_dal_hamamatsu.dll. However, there are no changes required for the configuration files. The prefix is internally appended by the MMCore when looking for the device adapter and it does not appear in any external naming convention.

Example project files in this package are all updated with the new convention. The linker will add prefix to the output file name. You need to modify your existing projects to conform to the new file naming convention.

Additional methods required in all adapter modules All adapter modules (DLL libraries) now support additional methods (see ModuleInterface.h):

extern "C" {
   MODULE_API MM::Device* CreateDevice(const char* name);
   MODULE_API void DeleteDevice(MM::Device* pDevice);
   MODULE_API long GetModuleVersion();
   MODULE_API long GetDeviceInterfaceVersion();
   MODULE_API unsigned GetNumberOfDevices();
   MODULE_API bool GetDeviceName(unsigned deviceIndex, char* name, unsigned bufferLength);
   MODULE_API bool GetDeviceDescription(unsigned deviceIndex, char* name, unsigned bufferLength);
   MODULE_API void InitializeModuleData();

The only thing you need to add to your existing modules is the implementation of the method “InitializeModuleData()” (see example projects). This method will be called each time MMCore loads the adapter library. In this method we create a list of adapters available in the DLL library. For example, DemoCamera library (DemoCamera.cpp) has the following InitializeModuleData() method implementation:

MODULE_API void InitializeModuleData()
   AddAvailableDeviceName(g_CameraDeviceName, "Demo camera");
   AddAvailableDeviceName(g_WheelDeviceName, "Demo filter wheel");
   AddAvailableDeviceName(g_ObjectiveDeviceName, "Demo objective turret");
   AddAvailableDeviceName(g_StageDeviceName, "Demo stage");
   AddAvailableDeviceName(g_LightPathDeviceName, "Demo light path");

The first parameter in “AddAvailableDeviceName”, is the adapter name and the second one is a short description.