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Strong interest in the fusion of engineering and life sciences to promote scientific discovery and invention of new medical technologies and therapies. I like science and engineering put at the service of people and oriented to solve global challenges and needs. I also have a passion for education and to build strong Interdisciplinary teams. I have a strong innate curiosity and love to focus into finding clever solutions to tough challenges while keeping in mind the large picture.

Multidisciplinary profile with more than 15 years of international experience in universities, research centers and industry, contributing to, and using, novel technologies (such as advanced signal processing, IT, electronics, lab-on-a-chip, BioMEMS and nanotechnology) to conceive and develop novel systems/devices with the aim of improving current in vitro diagnostics, drug screening, and personalized medicine.

Project Leading experience in cutting edge technologies development. Successful in managing biomedical challenging projects and in introducing disruptive technologies. Experience in managing multidisciplinary international teams.