PhD in Physics from Université Paris Sud: “Mobile Magnetic Microrobots Control and Study in Microfluidic Environment : New Tools for Biomedical Applications”.
Biomedical DUFBSM from Cancer institute Gustave Roussy, Université Paris Sud.
Engineer from Ecole Centrale de Lille, major in waves, nanoelectronics and telecom. Research interests
My research work is dedicated to build bridges between micro / nanotechnology and health sciences, taking advantage of microfluidic devices and analytical methods. Here at Biomat’X, I am contributing to develop whole microbiotes detection and quantification taking advantage of microfluidics, aptamer and SPRi. Bacteria in food and water has become a growing society concern as WHO recent report has driven regulation tighter. New methods with faster and lower limit of detection are required. Taking advantage of SPR label-free straightforward detection and microfluidics enhanced analytical performances, we are pushing the limits of detection as well as increasing specificity and analysis throughput.
During my thesis work, I focused on microrobotic mobile transducer for microbiology applications as well as microrobots dynamics analysis. The microfluidics provided a development environment as well as a ground for new applications. I then investigated nanovectors developments for hepatic imaging applications. Microfluidics becoming a key enable in nanomedicines clinical translation, I developed characterization using hyphenated methods combining fluidic separative methods and physical detection. I developed separative methods taking advantages of field flow flow fractionation for aggregation and conjugates quantification as well as size distribution analysis.
I am deeply convinced in the virtue of collaboration between academic world and industry in applied sciences. I have been collaborating with several SME partners (Eden Microfluidics, Black Hole Laboratory, Wyatt Technology France) with whom I have intended to maintain a virtuous circle of development for microfabrication, material and analytical method development.
I welcome any question concerning my former work but also research fields and interests - closely related or not.
Keywords: MEMS for health, lab on chip, analytical chemistry, microrobotics, nanomedicines, microfabrication.