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Minor Improvements

Decimal <-> Binary conversion

:* Augment / replace Roy’s table by linking to a suitable, but minimal, online tutorial. It should be relevant to the goal of converting between decimal and binary and doing the math to add pins.

:* Bonus- link to a calculator where one can click on the bits and see the decimal and binary values. Poke-A-Bit is nice, but buggy; the buttons stop working after a few clicks

Hardware Configuration Wizard

:* All the features are not clearly described with appropriate nomenclature. This should be done while actually using an Arduino.

Trigger mode

:* Link to Arduino sequence acquisition Beanshell script

:* Clean description of how the Arduino functions in non-Sequence and Sequence modes

Major Improvements (as in requiring more effort)

Daughter DA board
Although mentioned in the Overview it needs to be documented so that someone can reproduce it- maybe another page should be created for this, and we link to that page from here. Ideally, the following should be added:

  • Functional capabilities of the board (how many AOTF channels can it control?)
  • Photos of result
  • Bill of Materials
  • Electrical Schematic (make in Fritzing)
  • Production (submit to Ponoko, or Sparkfun, etc)