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Summary Control ZWO cameras and filter wheels
License BSD
Platforms Windows
Devices ZWO ASI cameras and EFW filter wheels


  1. From the For Developers download page of the ZWO website, download the “ASI Camera SDK” and “EFW SDK”. You need both even if you only have one of the devices.
  2. Find the file ASICamera2.dll in the ASI Camera SDK. It is located at ASI SDK/lib/x64 within the nested Zip file ASI_Camera_SDK/ASI_Windows_SDK_Vx.xx.zip. Copy this DLL to the Micro-Manager folder.
  3. Find the file EFW_filter.dll in the EFW SDK. It is located at EFW SDK/lib/Win64 within the nested Zip file EFW_SDK/EFW_Windows_SDK_Vx.xx.zip. Copy this DLL to the Micro-Manager folder.
  4. From the Windows downloads page of the ZWO website, download “Camera Driver” and install.