MicroManager 2.0 has many new capabilities and features.
Image Display Window
- Histograms, metadata, and other controls are directly attached to the image display
- Fullscreen mode
- Working “nighttime” mode
- Can create multiple windows displaying different parts of the same
dataset (without duplicating the dataset itself)
- These windows can be synchronized, so that e.g. you can look at the same Z-slice at different timepoints, or use the same contrast settings
- New image overlay system for drawing on top of the image (including scale bar and timestamp overlays)
- Improved scrollbars and better animation controls
Scripting API
- Can easily access all aspects of image data and metadata
- Can directly create and control image windows
- Can add custom controls and overlays to image windows
- Can receive notifications of more events related to display and data (e.g. the creation of new display windows)
- Can easily save custom acquisitions as TIFFs
New data model
- Image metadata is strongly-typed and clearly documented (untyped user metadata can also be attached)
- Complete display settings are saved as part of the data – so your multi-window setup can be saved and recalled later
- Can have arbitrary data axes (not just Z/time/channel/position)
- NOTE: custom axes are not currently saved!
- Backwards-compatible with MM1.4 data files
General improvements
- Aborted/incomplete acquisitions have the correct dimensions when used in ImageJ
- ImageJ’s understanding of the pixel size (including pixel depth) should never be inaccurate