Install Community Edition of IntelliJ :
Install the latest Micromanager 2.0 nightly :
The location of where you have micromanager 2.0 Gamma installed will be used for Working directory later and for including the location of ij.jar.
Install Adopt OpenJDK 8
Fork Micromanager 2.0 Repository into your own GitHub Account and name it.
From IntelliJ menu, select New -> Project from Version Control.
Select the new github repository that was forked earlier
Right click on your projects name, and select Open Module Settings
Add ImageJ ij.jar and other jars from Micromanager’s install directory
Confirm that you have 1.8 JDK configured
Create a new Run/Debug Configuration
Select an Application Template, and then the + Sign
Main Class: ij.ImageJ
VM Options: -Xmx3000M -Dforce.annotation.index=true
Working directory: C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0gamma
JRE: 1.8