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Full Build on MacOS X Leopard

See [[Build on MacOS X]] for up-to-date instructions on building on OS X.

Building micro-manager 1.2 from SVN on MacOSX Leopard MacIntel. This is the complete sequence that I used to build on 10.5.2 on 2008-04-18. In principle you can just cd to an appropriate directory and run the script but I would recommend cut/paste into terminal chunk by chunk. Note that for libdc1394 (firewire cameras on macosx/linux and perhaps PC) I have provided both a build from SVN and a build from the current stable tarball (2.0.1).

Finally to build Micro-manager you will need an up to date gnu autotools. From my experience MacOS X Leopard works out of the box, but on Tiger you will need to update.

Some optional steps are included that will make you build run on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) as well (NS, 9/11/2008).

Here are download links for versions I have.

autoconf 2.59 installed on my Tiger system seems to be fine - automake 1.10.1 NB automake 1.9.6 fails - libtool 1.5.22 later versions presumably ok

Once you are done, make quite sure that you are using the latest versions that you have installed:

autoconf --version
libtool --version
automake --version

Hope it works for you! Greg Jefferis <jefferis@gmail.com>

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Download and build boost - see the separate Wiki page for that task.

# If you want to build dc1394, instal libdc1394:
# EITHER libdc1394 v2.0.1 (release version)
curl -O http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/libdc1394/$LIBDC.Tar.gz
tar zxvf $LIBDC.Tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

# OR libdc1394 from SVN
svn co https://libdc1394.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/libdc1394/trunk/libdc1394 libdc1394
cd libdc1394
autoreconf -i -s
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

# Micro-Manager from SVN
svn co https://valelab4.ucsf.edu/svn/micromanager2/branches/micromanager1.3/
cd micromanager1.3


### N.B. on DebianJohan found that he needed to run  autoconf --install at this point.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" # to ensure user compiled swig is used
./configure --with-imagej=/Applications/ImageJ/
# (Optional) To make your build compatible with Tiger (10.4) use:
#./configure --with-imagej=/Applications/ImageJ/ \
  CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
# and for statically-linked components use:
#./configure --with-imagej=/Applications/ImageJ/ --enable-static
sudo make install