Package | Description |
org.micromanager |
MMStudio application and Java API.
org.micromanager.acquisition |
This package contains classes for acquiring data and accessing Micro-
Manager's Acquisition Engine.
| |
This package contains classes related to the storage and internal
representation of image data and metadata.
org.micromanager.display |
This package contains classes related to Micro-Manager's display windows,
which are used to show image data and metadata to the user.
org.micromanager.display.overlay |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<Image> |
SnapLiveManager.snap(boolean shouldDisplay)
Perform a snap and display the results, if desired.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Album.addImage(Image image)
Add the specified Image to the Album's datastore.
void |
SnapLiveManager.displayImage(Image image)
Insert the provided image into the Datastore, causing it to be displayed
in any open Snap/Live DisplayWindows.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Album.addImages(java.util.Collection<Image> images)
Add the specified Images to the Album's datastore.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<Image> |
Snap images using the current camera(s) and return them.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Metadata |
AcquisitionManager.generateMetadata(Image image,
boolean includeHardwareState)
Generate a new Metadata that contains pre-populated fields based on the
current state of the program and the provided Image.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Image |
DataManager.convertTaggedImage(mmcorej.TaggedImage tagged)
Given a TaggedImage input, output an Image based on the TaggedImage.
Image |
DataManager.convertTaggedImage(mmcorej.TaggedImage tagged,
Coords coords,
Metadata metadata)
Given a TaggedImage input, output an Image based on the TaggedImage,
but with the Coords and/or Metadata optionally overridden.
Image |
Image.copyAtCoords(Coords coords)
Generate a copy of this Image, except with different coordinates.
Image |
Image.copyWith(Coords coords,
Metadata metadata)
Generate a copy of this Image, except with different coordinates and
Image |
Image.copyWithMetadata(Metadata metadata)
Generate a copy of this Image, except with different metadata.
Image |
ImageJConverter.createImage(ij.process.ImageProcessor processor,
Coords coords,
Metadata metadata)
Create a new Image based on the provided ImageProcessor and metadata.
Image |
DataManager.createImage(java.lang.Object pixels,
int width,
int height,
int bytesPerPixel,
int numComponents,
Coords coords,
Metadata metadata)
Generate a new Image with the provided pixel data, rules for interpreting
that pixel data, coordinates, and metadata.
Image |
Return any Image, or null if there are no images.
Image |
Retrieve any image from this DataProvider.
Image |
Provides the Image that was deleted.
Image |
Provides the newly-added image.
Image |
Storage.getImage(Coords coords)
Retrieve the Image located at the specified coordinates.
Image |
DataProvider.getImage(Coords coords)
Returns the image at the given position.
Image |
Provides the newly-added image.
Image |
Provides the image that was overwritten.
Image |
DataManager.wrapImage(java.lang.Object pixels,
int width,
int height,
int bytesPerPixel,
int numComponents,
Coords coords,
Metadata metadata)
Generate a new Image with the provided pixel data, rules for interpreting
that pixel data, coordinates, and metadata.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<Image> |
Storage.getImagesIgnoringAxes(Coords coords,
java.lang.String... ignoreTheseAxes)
Retrieve a list of images with Coords identical to the given Coords instance,
except for the axes listed in the exception list.
java.util.List<Image> |
DataProvider.getImagesIgnoringAxes(Coords coords,
java.lang.String... ignoreTheseAxes)
Returns a list of image in the DataProvider's collection that have
identical coords after removing the given axes from both source and target.
java.util.List<Image> |
Storage.getImagesMatching(Coords coords)
Retrieve a list of all images whose Coords match the given incomplete
Coords instance.
java.util.List<Image> |
DataProvider.getImagesMatching(Coords coords)
- instead use getImagesIgnoringAxes
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ij.process.ImageProcessor |
ImageJConverter.createProcessor(Image image)
Create an ImageProcessor whose image pixel data is derived from the
provided Image.
ij.process.ImageProcessor |
ImageJConverter.createProcessorFromComponent(Image image,
int component)
Create an ImageProcessor whose image pixel data is derived from a
single component of the provided Image.
void |
Pipeline.insertImage(Image image)
Insert an Image into the Pipeline.
void |
ProcessorContext.outputImage(Image image)
Hand a newly-generated Image to the ProcessorContext.
void |
Processor.processImage(Image image,
ProcessorContext context)
Process an Image.
void |
Storage.putImage(Image image)
Insert an Image into the Storage, so that it may be returned by later
getImage() calls.
void |
Datastore.putImage(Image image)
Insert an image into the Datastore.
void |
RewritableDatastore.putImage(Image image)
Insert an image into the Datastore.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Image |
Unsure what this is or means.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<Image> |
Retrieve the Images currently being displayed.
java.util.List<Image> |
Returns the images newly displayed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Datastore | image)
Create a new Datastore with an associated DisplayWindow that will
display the provided Image.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Overlay.paintOverlay(java.awt.Graphics2D graphicsContext,
java.awt.Rectangle screenRect,
DisplaySettings displaySettings,
java.util.List<Image> images,
Image primaryImage,
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float imageViewPort)
Paint the overlay to the given graphics context.
void |
AbstractOverlay.paintOverlay(java.awt.Graphics2D graphicsContext,
java.awt.Rectangle screenRect,
DisplaySettings displaySettings,
java.util.List<Image> images,
Image primaryImage,
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float imageViewPort)
Paint the overlay to the given graphics context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Overlay.paintOverlay(java.awt.Graphics2D graphicsContext,
java.awt.Rectangle screenRect,
DisplaySettings displaySettings,
java.util.List<Image> images,
Image primaryImage,
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float imageViewPort)
Paint the overlay to the given graphics context.
void |
AbstractOverlay.paintOverlay(java.awt.Graphics2D graphicsContext,
java.awt.Rectangle screenRect,
DisplaySettings displaySettings,
java.util.List<Image> images,
Image primaryImage,
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float imageViewPort)
Paint the overlay to the given graphics context.