virtual const unsigned char * | GetImageBuffer ()=0 |
virtual unsigned | GetImageWidth () const =0 |
virtual unsigned | GetImageHeight () const =0 |
virtual unsigned | GetImageBytesPerPixel () const =0 |
virtual int | SnapImage ()=0 |
virtual bool | Busy () |
virtual int | StartSequenceAcquisition (double interval) |
virtual int | StopSequenceAcquisition () |
virtual double | GetPixelSizeUm () const |
virtual unsigned | GetNumberOfComponents () const |
virtual int | GetComponentName (unsigned channel, char *name) |
virtual unsigned | GetNumberOfChannels () const |
virtual int | GetChannelName (unsigned, char *name) |
virtual const unsigned char * | GetImageBuffer (unsigned) |
virtual const unsigned int * | GetImageBufferAsRGB32 () |
virtual void | GetTags (char *serializedMetadata) |
virtual int | PrepareSequenceAcqusition () |
virtual int | StartSequenceAcquisition (long numImages, double interval_ms, bool stopOnOverflow) |
virtual int | GetExposureSequenceMaxLength (long &) const |
virtual int | StartExposureSequence () |
virtual int | StopExposureSequence () |
virtual int | ClearExposureSequence () |
virtual int | AddToExposureSequence (double) |
virtual int | SendExposureSequence () const |
virtual bool | IsCapturing () |
virtual void | AddTag (const char *key, const char *deviceLabel, const char *value) |
virtual void | RemoveTag (const char *key) |
virtual bool | SupportsMultiROI () |
virtual bool | IsMultiROISet () |
virtual int | GetMultiROICount (unsigned &) |
virtual int | SetMultiROI (const unsigned *, const unsigned *, const unsigned *, const unsigned *, unsigned) |
virtual int | GetMultiROI (unsigned *, unsigned *, unsigned *, unsigned *, unsigned *) |
virtual HDEVMODULE | GetModuleHandle () const |
virtual void | SetModuleName (const char *name) |
virtual void | GetModuleName (char *name) const |
virtual void | SetDescription (const char *descr) |
virtual void | GetDescription (char *name) const |
virtual void | SetModuleHandle (HDEVMODULE hModule) |
virtual void | SetLabel (const char *label) |
virtual void | GetLabel (char *name) const |
virtual double | GetDelayMs () const |
virtual void | SetDelayMs (double delay) |
virtual void | SetCallback (MM::Core *cbk) |
virtual bool | UsesDelay () |
virtual unsigned | GetNumberOfProperties () const |
virtual int | GetProperty (const char *name, char *value) const |
int | GetProperty (const char *name, double &val) |
int | GetProperty (const char *name, long &val) |
bool | IsPropertyEqualTo (const char *name, const char *val) const |
virtual int | GetPropertyReadOnly (const char *name, bool &readOnly) const |
virtual int | GetPropertyInitStatus (const char *name, bool &preInit) const |
virtual int | HasPropertyLimits (const char *name, bool &hasLimits) const |
virtual int | GetPropertyLowerLimit (const char *name, double &lowLimit) const |
virtual int | GetPropertyUpperLimit (const char *name, double &hiLimit) const |
virtual int | IsPropertySequenceable (const char *name, bool &sequenceable) const |
virtual int | GetPropertySequenceMaxLength (const char *name, long &nrEvents) const |
virtual int | StartPropertySequence (const char *name) |
virtual int | StopPropertySequence (const char *name) |
virtual int | ClearPropertySequence (const char *name) |
virtual int | AddToPropertySequence (const char *name, const char *value) |
virtual int | SendPropertySequence (const char *name) |
virtual bool | GetPropertyName (unsigned uIdx, char *name) const |
virtual int | GetPropertyType (const char *name, MM::PropertyType &pt) const |
virtual int | SetProperty (const char *name, const char *value) |
virtual bool | HasProperty (const char *name) const |
virtual unsigned | GetNumberOfPropertyValues (const char *propertyName) const |
virtual bool | GetPropertyValueAt (const char *propertyName, unsigned index, char *value) const |
int | CreateProperty (const char *name, const char *value, MM::PropertyType eType, bool readOnly, MM::ActionFunctor *pAct=0, bool isPreInitProperty=false) |
int | CreatePropertyWithHandler (const char *name, const char *value, MM::PropertyType eType, bool readOnly, int(U::*memberFunction)(MM::PropertyBase *pProp, MM::ActionType eAct), bool isPreInitProperty=false) |
int | CreateIntegerProperty (const char *name, long value, bool readOnly, MM::ActionFunctor *pAct=0, bool isPreInitProperty=false) |
int | CreateFloatProperty (const char *name, double value, bool readOnly, MM::ActionFunctor *pAct=0, bool isPreInitProperty=false) |
int | CreateStringProperty (const char *name, const char *value, bool readOnly, MM::ActionFunctor *pAct=0, bool isPreInitProperty=false) |
int | SetPropertyLimits (const char *name, double low, double high) |
int | SetAllowedValues (const char *name, std::vector< std::string > &values) |
int | ClearAllowedValues (const char *name) |
int | AddAllowedValue (const char *name, const char *value) |
int | AddAllowedValue (const char *name, const char *value, long data) |
int | GetPropertyData (const char *name, const char *value, long &data) |
int | GetCurrentPropertyData (const char *name, long &data) |
int | UpdateStatus () |
int | UpdateProperty (const char *name) |
int | ApplyProperty (const char *name) |
virtual bool | GetErrorText (int errorCode, char *text) const |
virtual bool | SupportsDeviceDetection (void) |
virtual MM::DeviceDetectionStatus | DetectDevice (void) |
virtual void | SetParentID (const char *parentId) |
virtual void | GetParentID (char *parentID) const |
virtual DeviceType | GetType () const |
virtual long | GetImageBufferSize () const =0 |
virtual unsigned | GetBitDepth () const =0 |
virtual int | GetBinning () const =0 |
virtual int | SetBinning (int binSize)=0 |
virtual void | SetExposure (double exp_ms)=0 |
virtual double | GetExposure () const =0 |
virtual int | SetROI (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned xSize, unsigned ySize)=0 |
virtual int | GetROI (unsigned &x, unsigned &y, unsigned &xSize, unsigned &ySize)=0 |
virtual int | ClearROI ()=0 |
virtual int | IsExposureSequenceable (bool &isSequenceable) const =0 |
| MM_DEPRECATED (virtual HDEVMODULE GetModuleHandle() const)=0 |
| MM_DEPRECATED (virtual void SetModuleHandle(HDEVMODULE hLibraryHandle))=0 |
virtual int | Initialize ()=0 |
virtual int | Shutdown ()=0 |
virtual void | GetName (char *name) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetTagKeys () |
virtual std::string | GetTagValue (const char *key) |
virtual int | ThreadRun (void) |
virtual int | InsertImage () |
virtual double | GetIntervalMs () |
virtual long | GetImageCounter () |
virtual long | GetNumberOfImages () |
virtual void | OnThreadExiting () |
virtual bool | isStopOnOverflow () |
virtual void | setStopOnOverflow (bool stop) |
void | SetErrorText (int errorCode, const char *text) |
const char * | GetMorePropertyErrorInfo (void) const |
void | SetMorePropertyErrorInfo (const char *ptext) const |
int | LogMessage (const char *msg, bool debugOnly=false) const |
int | LogMessage (const std::string &msg, bool debugOnly=false) const |
int | LogMessageCode (const int errorCode, bool debugOnly=false) const |
int | LogTimeDiff (MM::MMTime start, MM::MMTime end, const std::string &message, bool debugOnly=false) const |
int | LogTimeDiff (MM::MMTime start, MM::MMTime end, bool debugOnly=false) const |
void | InitializeDefaultErrorMessages () |
MM::Device * | GetDevice (const char *deviceLabel) const |
void | GetLoadedDeviceOfType (MM::DeviceType devType, char *deviceName, const unsigned int deviceIterator) |
int | WriteToComPort (const char *portLabel, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned bufLength) |
int | SendSerialCommand (const char *portName, const char *command, const char *term) |
int | GetSerialAnswer (const char *portName, const char *term, std::string &ans) |
int | ReadFromComPort (const char *portLabel, unsigned char *buf, unsigned bufLength, unsigned long &read) |
int | PurgeComPort (const char *portLabel) |
MM::PortType | GetSerialPortType (const char *portLabel) |
int | OnPropertiesChanged () |
int | OnPropertyChanged (const char *propName, const char *propValue) |
int | OnStagePositionChanged (double pos) |
int | OnXYStagePositionChanged (double xPos, double yPos) |
int | OnExposureChanged (double exposure) |
int | OnSLMExposureChanged (double exposure) |
int | OnMagnifierChanged () |
unsigned long | GetClockTicksUs () |
MM::MMTime | GetCurrentMMTime () |
bool | IsCallbackRegistered () const |
MM::Core * | GetCoreCallback () const |
void | EnableDelay (bool state=true) |
void | CreateHubIDProperty () |
MM::Hub * | GetParentHub () const |
T_HUB * | AssignToHub () |
template<class U>
class CCameraBase< U >
Base class for creating camera device adapters. This class has a functional constructor - must be invoked from the derived class.